Basic usage

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Ionic code

Everything you need to organize, style & interact with your Feature in the native apps is located in the var folder

Assets are merged on install & updates with the init.php see register assets

You must place your files in a modules/yourmodule folder, here modules/job.

├─ [...]
├─ resources
│  └─ var
│     └─ apps
│        └─ modules
│           └─ job
│              ├─ styles
│              │  └─ job.css
│              ├─ controllers
│              │  └─ job.js
│              ├─ services
│              │  └─ job.js
│              ├─ factory
│              │  └─ job.js
│              ├─ directives
│              │  └─ job.js
│              ├─ img
│              │  ├─ company.png
│              │  └─ job.png
│              └─ templates
│                 └─ l1
│                    └─ view.html
└─ [...]

Controller example

App.config(function($stateProvider) {

    $stateProvider.state('job-view', {
        url: BASE_PATH+"/job/mobile_view/index/value_id/:value_id",
        controller: 'JobController',
        templateUrl: "modules/job/templates/l1/view.html"

}).controller('JobController', function($rootScope[...]

The part templateUrl: "templates/job/l1/view.html" concerns our template app/local/modules/Job/resources/var/apps/templates/job/l1/view.html, we only keep the relative part of the path.


Note: the bootstrap.php file is deprecated since Siberian 4.12.0 see the Init section below for the new flavor

Basically it's a file named bootstrap.php at the root of your package, below an example:

 * @deprecated from Siberian 5.0, see Init.
class ModuleName_Bootstrap {

    public static function init($bootstrap) {
        # Your assets, options, etc ...

ModuleName should respect your module name case.

$bootstrap is a reference to the Zend Bootstrap if you need to hook it.


The new init syntax is available from Siberian 4.12.0, this new syntax avoids conflicts with already exisiting bootstrap classes

The file init.php is used to hook & register the layout files into Siberian & update assets.

However the syntax & methods used inside Init remains the same as with the older bootstrap files.


$init = function($bootstrap) {
    # Your assets, options, etc ...

$bootstrap is a reference to the Zend Bootstrap if you need to hook it.

Register assets

/** Register the Assets path, to be copied in native apps/overview */

/** Register javascripts to be loaded by the ionic apps */

/** Register stylesheets to be loaded by the ionic apps */