Editor & Backoffice
From Siberian 4.11.1 we added a hook to the Sidebar Left menu & Backoffice header menu (more will come in next updates)
Icons are available from Siberian 4.12.10 only
Editor side menu
For utility reasons, and convenience, when creating your module you need a way to access its configuration page somewhere.
use Siberian\Module;
Module::addEditorMenu($module, $code, $title, $link, $icon = '', $aclCode = null);
The previous code will result in something like this.
Field | Required ? | Description |
$module | yes | Module name |
$code | yes | Unique code to identify the link, used for highlights |
$title | yes | Your link text |
$link | yes | Path to your feature /mymodule/mycontroller/myaction |
$icon | no | Custom css class to display icon using fontawesome or icofont |
$aclCode | no | from 4.15.7 ACL code to access this menu, if null or the code doesn't exists, menu item will be accessible |
FontAwesome 4.7.0
use Siberian\Module;
Module::addEditorMenu('Faq', 'faq', 'FAQ', '/faq/application/list', 'fa fa-line-chart');
use Siberian\Module;
Module::addEditorMenu('Faq', 'faq', 'FAQ', '/faq/application/list', 'icofont icofont-bird-wings');
Backoffice side menu
Backoffice hook works almost the same as Editor hooks.
use Siberian\Module;
Module::addMenu($module, $code, $title, $link, $icon = '');
The previous code will result in something like this.
Field | Required ? | Description |
$module | yes | Module name |
$code | yes | Unique code to identify the link, used for highlights |
$title | yes | Your link text |
$link | yes | Path to your feature /mymodule/mycontroller/myaction |
$icon | no | Custom css class to display icon using fontawesome or icofont |
FontAwesome 4.2.0
use Siberian\Module;
Module::addMenu('Faq', 'faq', 'FAQ', '/faq/backoffice/list', 'fa fa-ticket');
use Siberian\Module;
Module::addMenu('Faq', 'faq', 'FAQ', '/faq/backoffice/list', 'icofont icofont-bird-wings');
Backoffice - Advanced
Available from 4.14.6
When the backoffice menu hierarchy is built, this action is triggered, you can then alter the tree as you want.
This method is more complex than simply adding your menu, but it's way more powerful too.
You callback function must return the given payload whether it's altered or not!
use Siberian\Hook;
'Listening Backoffice menu',
function ($payload) {
// Your stuff!
return $payload;
Hook payload details
// Extract of the tree payload!
$backofficeTree = [
'dashboard' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Dashboard'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('backoffice'),
'icon' => 'fa fa-tachometer',
'invoices' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => $this->isPe(),
'label' => __('Invoices'),
'url' => $this->getUrl("sales/backoffice_invoice_list"),
'icon' => 'fa fa-ticket',
'manage' => [
'hasChilds' => true,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Manage'),
'icon' => 'fa fa-users',
'childs' => [
'users' => [
'hasChilds' => true,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Users'),
'icon' => 'fa fa-users',
'childs' => [
'users' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Users'),
'url' => $this->getUrl("admin/backoffice_list"),
'icon' => 'fa fa-users',
Payload details
key | details |
hasChilds | tells if the node is a parent or not |
isVisible | true, false or a condition to display the menu |
label | the translated title __('Text to translate') |
icon | same a previous with either FontAwesome or IcoFont |
url | the url to access the feature/module |
childs | if hasChilds is true then you must provide a childs array |
Available from 4.15.0
When the editor menu hierarchy is built, this action is triggered, you can then alter the tree as you want.
This method is more complex than simply adding your menu, but it's way more powerful too.
You callback function must return the given payload whether it's altered or not!
use Siberian\Hook;
'Listening Editor header menu',
function ($payload) {
// Your stuff!
return $payload;
Hook payload details
// Extract of the tree payload!
$editorTree = [
'dashboard' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Dashboard'),
'id' => 'sb-tour-dashboard',
'is_current' => 'app_list' === $current,
'url' => $this->getUrl('/'),
'icon' => 'fa fa-tachometer',
'profile' => [
'hasChilds' => true,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Profile'),
'id' => 'sb-tour-profile',
'icon' => 'fa fa-user',
'childs' => [
'my_account' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Account Settings'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('admin/account/edit'),
'is_current' => 'my_account' === $current,
'access_management' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => !$request->isWhiteLabelEditor() && $this->_canAccess('admin_access_management'),
'label' => __('Access Management'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('admin/access_management/list'),
'is_current' => 'access_management' === $current,
'profile_divider' => [
'isVisible' => true,
'divider' => true,
'is_current' => false,
'logout' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => true,
'label' => __('Log-out'),
'url' => $this->getUrl('admin/account/logout'),
'is_current' => false,
Payload details
key | details |
hasChilds | tells if the node is a parent or not |
isVisible | true, false or a condition to display the menu |
label | the translated title __('Text to translate') |
icon | same a previous with either FontAwesome or IcoFont |
is_current | highlight or not the current active menu |
divider | special item divider, not a menu |
id | the node id |
url | the url to access the feature/module |
childs | if hasChilds is true then you must provide a childs array |
Available from 4.15.7
When the sidebar left menu hierarchy is built, this action is triggered, you can then alter the tree as you want.
This method is more complex than simply adding your menu, but it's way more powerful too.
You callback function must return the given payload whether it's altered or not!
use Siberian\Hook;
'Listening Editor sidebar left menu',
function ($payload) {
// Your stuff!
return $payload;
// Working example
"Listening editor ok",
function ($payload) {
// Internal function, the callback must be a PURE function!
// This is a short alias to check ACL from anywhere.
$canAccess = function($acl) {
$aclList = \Admin_Controller_Default::_getAcl();
if ($aclList) {
return $aclList->isAllowed($acl);
return true;
// Fetch the current path
$currentUrl = str_replace(\Core\Model\Base::getBaseUrl(), "", \Core\Model\Base::getCurrentUrl());
$payload["analytics"]["childs"]["customanalytics"] = [
"hasChilds" => false,
"isVisible" => $canAccess("customer_analytics_acl"), // Ensure your are either FULL ADMIN, or have the Correct ACL!!!
"label" => __("My custom analytics page"),
"icon" => "fa fa-bar-chart",
"url" => __path("/customanalytics/application/view"), // Generates a simple path to the feature
"is_current" => (preg_match("#^/migastats/application/view#", $currentUrl)), // Check against what path should be to highlight or not
return $payload;
Hook payload details
// Extract of the tree payload!
$editorSidebarLeftTree = [
'editor' => [
'hasChilds' => true,
'isVisible' => $this->_canAccessAnyOf($editorAccess),
'label' => __('Editor'),
'id' => 'sidebar-left-group-editor',
'is_current' => false,
'url' => $this->getUrl('/'),
'icon' => 'fa fa-pencil',
'childs' => [
'design' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => $this->_canAccess("editor_design"),
'label' => __('Design'),
'icon' => 'icon ion-sb-layout1',
'url' => $this->getUrl('application/customization_design_style/edit'),
'is_current' => ('editor_design' === $currentLink),
'colors' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => $this->_canAccess("editor_colors"),
'label' => __('Colors'),
'icon' => 'icon ion-sb-palette',
'url' => $this->getUrl('application/customization_design_colors/edit'),
'is_current' => ('editor_colors' === $currentLink),
'users' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => $this->_canAccess("users"),
'label' => __('Users'),
'id' => 'sidebar-left-users',
'is_current' => false,
'url' => $this->getUrl('customer/application/list'),
'icon' => 'icon ion-sb-group',
'settings' => [
'hasChilds' => true,
'isVisible' => $this->_canAccessAnyOf(['editor_settings_tc', 'editor_settings_apis', 'editor_settings_domain', 'editor_settings_advanced', 'editor_settings_messages']),
'label' => __('Settings'),
'id' => 'sidebar-left-group-settings',
'is_current' => false,
'url' => $this->getUrl('/'),
'icon' => 'icon ion-sb-cogs',
'childs' => [
'editor_settings_tc' => [
'hasChilds' => false,
'isVisible' => $this->_canAccess("editor_settings_tc"),
'label' => __('Terms & Conditions'),
'icon' => 'fa fa-file-text',
'url' => $this->getUrl('application/settings_tc'),
'is_current' => ('editor_settings_tc' === $currentLink),
Payload details
key | details |
hasChilds | tells if the node is a parent or not |
isVisible | true, false or a condition to display the menu |
label | the translated title __('Text to translate') |
icon | same a previous with either FontAwesome or IcoFont |
is_current | highlight or not the current active menu |
id | the node id |
url | the url to access the feature/module |
childs | if hasChilds is true then you must provide a childs array |