App Hooks

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Available from 4.16.0

This trigger gets called when the app init payload is done, you can alter it when needed.

Notes: - App init is the first call made on app start, it's very important to keep it fast! - Altering this payload can completely break the Application start!


use Siberian\Hook;

 * Payload
$data = [
    "cssBlock" => $cssBlock,
    "loadBlock" => $loadBlock,
    "featureBlock" => $featureBlock,
    "translationBlock" => $translationBlock,
    "manifestBlock" => $manifestBlock,

 * Listener (generally in your init.php)
    'Listening app init ready',
    function ($payload) {
        // Your stuff here!

        // Must return payload here
        return $payload; 

Hook payload details

key details
cssBlock App specific pre-compiled CSS
loadBlock all the application settings
featureBlock all the app features
translationBlock array key/values with all the available translations for this app
manifestBlock webapp json manifest values, icon, name, start url


Called when the mobile app controller is ready, and have Application, Session & Request elements!


use Siberian\Hook;

    'Listening Mobile controller ready',
    function ($payload) {
        // Your stuff

        // No need to the return the payload, it's only a context

Hook payload details

key details
application The application object
request Current request object
session The current session, to access user, etc ...