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In this section you'll find a description of the tools & libraries shipped with Siberian, some are useful other are almost mandatory.

Note: utils are global functions and can be used everywhere in Siberian.


p__($context, $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]])

To translate anything you must use this function

Behind the scene we use a sprintf to format the strings, so this functions works the same

echo p__("context_key", "Hello %s !", "World");

The context is here to prevent mixup between modules & features.

Default text is used as a key to be used in the translation system, and must be in english, however when building your module you can ship it with any translations you want, and we encourage you to do so !


Using the function design_code() you'll get the current theme siberian or flat as of today.

String manipulations


cut($string, $length, $suffix = "...", $strip_tags = true)

This function simply cuts any given $string to the desired $length, you can also specify a custom $suffix and tell it to strip the html tags.


ellipsis($string, $length, $ellipsis = "...")

This functions cut your $string to the desired $length, $ellipsis characters can be changed.


formatBytes($bytes, $precision = 2)

Convert $bytes to human readable strings, $precision can be adjusted.


__js($string, $escape = '"' [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]])

This function is used to create safe JavaScript strings, the default character to escape is " but you can change it to '

Note: this function also uses the translation function __() behind the scene.


__path($path, $values, $locale)

This function allows to build URI relative path, you can also specify the $locale if you need to build a specific foreign page.


echo __path("/job/application/edit", array("value_id" => 12, "option_id" => 42));

# output


__url($path, $values, $locale)

This function allows to build fully qualified URI, you can also specify the $locale if you need to build a specific foreign page.


echo __url("/job/application/edit", array("value_id" => 12, "option_id" => 42));

# output


The function data_to_utf8($array) recursively walks against the given $array and try to detect/fix non-utf8 strings.

Image manipulation

PNG & JPEG Optimizers

The class Siberian_Media provides a simple interface that will optimize/crush the given media in place.

Usage Siberian_Media::optimize($media_path) that's all.